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Fuzzing Irssi with Perl Scripts

When using fuzzing tools like afl a common challenge is how you can pass input to the interesting parts of the application you want to fuzz. In easy situations we have a tool that will accept our input as a file or via stdin. However sometimes this is not easily possible.

Let's have a look at Irssi, an irc chat client. The only input you can pass on the command line is a config file. Fuzzing Irssi 0.8.10 easily led to a segfault caused by a null pointer access. However while bugs in config file parsers probably still should be fixed, usually they are not very interesting. (There can be exceptions.)

So what else might be interesting? Irssi does some parsing on all output, e.g. due to color codes. However we can't just print text that is passed via the command line as an input file. We have to abuse Irssi's perl scripting capability for that.

We can place a simple perl script that will read a file (fuzzp.txt) and print it into Irssi's autorun directory (default location is ~/.Irssi/scripts/autorun/). We can then place some examples of Irssi color codes into the directory "in/". I have installed an afl/asan-instrumented Irssi into my system to /usr/local/, because for running perl scripts it needs more than just the executable. So we can run afl like this:

afl-fuzz -i in -o out -m none -f fuzzp.txt Irssi

afl will put the fuzzed output into fuzzp.txt and our autoload script will read it from there. Doing this lets us learn that the sequence "%[" causes Irssi to read an invalid memory byte. For reasons unclear to me this only happens if a script outputs this sequence, not if a user types it in. (This issue got CVE-2017-5196 assigned.)

We can go further and do a similar script that executes input as a command. Commands are things like "/QUIT" that control the application and the channel behavior. I named the input file fuzzc.txt, so we can place some simple Irssi commands into in/ and run:

afl-fuzz -i in -o out -m none -f fuzzc.txt Irssi

Thus we will now fuzz Irssi's command processing.

As we have seen, scripting functionality can be used to fuzz an application. So if you want to fuzz something and don't know how to pass input: See if there's a scripting functionality.

Irssi has issued a security advisory for several security vulnerabilities, including the out of bounds read mentioned above. All vulnerabilities and the config file parser segfault are fixed in 0.8.21 and 1.0.0.


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