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Out of bounds read in OpenVPN

OpenVPN versions before 2.3.9 contain an out of bounds read error. The bug happens in the function resolve_remote() in the file socket.c.

I reported this bug to the OpenVPN security team on December 6th. I was informed that this was already reported to them previously and fixed in the repository. The new release 2.3.9 fixes this. The current git head code of OpenVPN has this code part completely reworked, it is thus not affected.

The reason for this bug is that for both IPv4 and IPv6 connections OpenVPN will read a struct sockaddr_in6, but in the IPv4 case the data structure is smaller than in the IPv6 case. The bug was found by trying to run OpenVPN with Address Sanitizer.

I don't know whether this is in any way exploitable, but as OpenVPN is a security sensitive software I found it worthy to make it public.


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